Doktora İlanı [Sona Erdi]

27 Nisan 2020 • Kategori: İş ve Burs İlanları

İngiltere’den Plymouth Üniversitesi, üyelerimizden Prof Dr Cengiz Yıldırım’ın’da içinde olduğu bir proje kapsamında Batı Anadolu’da InSAR-GPS ve aktif tektonik
çalışacak bir doktora öğrencisi aramaktadır.
There are a number of fully funded Phd studentships that are advertised at the University of Plymouth that have previously been circulated on this list. The application deadline has now been extended until the Thursday 7th May to take account of the current circumstances.
The projects on offer are as follows:
Novel insights into CO2 sequestration in peridotite- contact Prof. Tony Morris ( ), more details here
What drives fault interaction and earthquake hazard in western Turkey? contact Dr. Zoe Mildon (, more details here
Tectonic reworking of the Baltic Shield basement during the Caledonian Orogeny and implications for mineralisation of critical metals in Scandinavia – contact Prof. Mark Anderson (, more details here 
Partitioning of fluid flow along faults and fractures in the Bristol Channel Basin: implications for low carbon geoscience projects in SW England – contact Prof. Mark Anderson (, more details here