27th Meeting of the Turkish Active Tectonics Research Group

19 Eylül 2024 • Kategori: Haberler/Duyurular, ATAG27

Dear active tectonics community,

The 27th meeting of the Turkish Active Tectonics Research Group will be held in İzmir on the 4th anniversary of the Sisam/Samos earthquake. Dokuz Eylül University will be our hosts.

Here are the deadlines:
– Last date for abstract submission: September 29th, 2024
– Last date for registration: October 13th, 2024

For detailed info please check out the meeting web site: atag27.deu.edu.tr

If you would like to participate or got questions to ask feel free to contact us at either ituatag at itu.edu.tr or atag27.sekreterya at deu.edu.tr


