Next: O.3.5 Label placement at
Up: O.3 Examples of Contour
Previous: O.3.3 Prescribed label placements
Often, it will suffice to place contours at the imaginary intersections between the
contour lines and a well-placed straight line segment. The -Gl or -GL
algorithms work well in those cases:
pscoast -R50/160/-15/15 -JM5.5i -Glightgray -A500 -K -P >
grdcontour geoid.grd -J -O -B20f10WSne -C10 -A20+d+s8 -GLZ-/Z+ -S10 -T:LH >>
The obvious choice in this example is to specify a great circle between the high and
the low, thus placing all labels between these extrema.
Figure O.4:
Labels are placed at the intersections between contours and the
great circle specified in the -GL option.
The thin debug line in Figure O.4 shows the great circle and the
intersections where labels are plotted. Note that any number of such lines could be specified;
here we are content with just one.
Next: O.3.5 Label placement at
Up: O.3 Examples of Contour
Previous: O.3.3 Prescribed label placements
Paul Wessel